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Muslimah Sports Association's Report Finds 'Slow progress' on Removing Barriers

Muslimah Sports Association's Report Finds 'Slow progress' on Removing Barriers

According to a report issued by Muslimah Sports Association (MSA), England's largest Muslim women's sports organisation, 97% of British Muslim women asked desired to improve their participation in sports - however 37% are not participating in any kind of sport or activity.

The study was conducted to determine the demand for Muslim female engagement in sports across the country, as well as to investigate the under-representation of Muslim women in sports and the challenges they face.

The report discovered that a shortage of female-only spaces was a major hindrance preventing women from participating - 65% of those polled said they were not aware of any women-only activities, whereas 80% said they would be inclined to go to women-only sports classes if they were available.

A survey participant said:

Coming to a women's-only swimming session and being told there were male lifeguards - that defeats the whole purpose.

Source: BBC Sport