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Aisha Wahab becomes the first Muslim and Afghan elected to CA senate

Aisha Wahab becomes the first Muslim and Afghan elected to CA senate

Aisha Wahab became the first Muslim and first Afghan American elected to the California State Senate. She will represent District 10

Wahab was born in New York City. Her father was assassinated and her mother passed away when Wahab was a child. Aisha was raised in foster care before she and her sister were embraced by an Afghan family in Fremont, California, which has one of the biggest Afghan populations in the country.

Wahab first got into politics when she became Hayward city council member. She said

I hope to bring my lived experiences to the policies we make, to be more inclusive, to think about the most vulnerable community members. That has always been part of my policies, even in the City of Hayward.

Aisha Wahab tweet

Source: abc 7NEWS